Human resources
By working at Monjargalant LLC

Supplies and discounts

A healthy employee
We made it possible to prevent possible risks by having our employees undergo an annual health check-up.

In addition to providing discounts on lunch and mobile phone calls, employees are provided with a car for official use in accordance with relevant regulations. It is also possible to purchase products and services from affiliates at discounted prices and terms.

We fully cover our employees with social insurance and health insurance from the day of employment, as well as unexpected accident insurance and liability insurance depending on the specifics of the workplace.

Benefits and assistance
Allowances and assistance Monjargalant LLC pays attention to the social issues of its employees and provides them with financial allowances and assistance during the happy and sad moments of their lives, such as the adoption of a family, the birth of a new child, an unexpected accident, or bereavement.

Every year, in recognition of the Group's achievements and work performance, highly performing and leading employees are selected and rewarded with "Foreign and domestic travel vouchers", cash prizes, and honors, respectively. Also, the top employees who have worked productively for many years and have contributed to the development of the industry are given industry and government awards and medals, and their work is supported and encouraged with "Houses and Cars".

Housing and cars
We provide our employees with the opportunity to get "Altan Zoos Capital BBSB" home loan on preferential terms based on their contribution to Monjargalant LLC and work performance. An employee can get a salary loan from "Altan Zoos Capital BBSB" to quickly solve their short-term financial needs.

In order to properly and actively spend the free time of our employees, we organize a sports festival every year, in addition to cooperating with gyms and yoga and fitness centers that have the opportunity to practice sports such as basketball, volleyball, and table tennis.

Many interesting competitions and contests are organized in order to improve work productivity, provide opportunities for self-discovery, teamwork, and create a team atmosphere. Also, every year in winter, spring, summer and autumn, fun recreational activities are organized for all employees of the branch company.