A brief introduction

A brief introduction
Popular with travelers, our Royal Grill Pub & Restaurant is famous for its delicious food and classic service. Located on the second floor of Royal House 2 Hotel, Royal Grill Pub offers a wide selection of Mongolian, European and Asian cuisine, as well as domestic and foreign drinks. Cool ROYAL beer is perfect for you after listening to live music every night. Royal Grill Pub & Restaurant We are ready to create unforgettable memories with you…
Events for up to 180 people are available; It will be a pleasure to host special events, business meetings, conferences, seminars and receptions.
Events for up to 180 people are available; It will be a pleasure to host special events, business meetings, conferences, seminars and receptions.
A brief introduction
Аялагчдын үйлчлүүлэх дуртай, манай Рояал Грилл Паб & Рестораны амттай хоол,сонгодог үйлчилгээгээр алдартай. Рояал Хаус 2 Зочид буудлын хоёр давхарт байрлах Рояал Грилл Паб нь Монгол, Европ, Ази хоол, дотоодын болон гадаад ундааны өргөн сонголтыг санал болгодог. Үдэш бүр амьд хөгжим сонсонгоо сэнгэнэсэн сэрүүн РОЯАЛ нэрийн шар айраг сөгнөхөд танд яг тохирно.
Рояал Грилл Паб & Ресторан мартагдашгүй дурсамжийг тантай хамт бүтээхэд бид бэлэн…
Events for up to 180 people are available; It will be a pleasure to host special events, business meetings, conferences, seminars and receptions.